
Millsart – Every Dog Has Its Day vol.2 (wav)





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As a fact life is vivid.  Life provides growth and projects a rainbow of colors that includes black. It is all encompassing, never forget to milk the conscience to the point of reality.  For the first half of our lives, we measure ourselves and others in expectations rather than the accomplishments.  Commercially making an effort to be aware of those living against the grain, we track them down, pin them up and shine the light over them to measure against the backdrop of our own sanity.  To some and their common interests, life is not available at this time – please leave a message!  To others, life begins when others begin to see and recognize.  Numbers.  It has been said, “Life must be understood backwards and lived forward.”  Directions are only good when you are going, not coming.  As a fact, Time is that.  It is knowing about his that make differences.  The fundamentals to remember are: (1) Time is, (2) Time and (3) Time past. Time is too slow for those to wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve and too short for those who rejoice.  Time is the great healer, it should be relentlessly measured in silence.  Time devours everything, event itself.  As a fact, to see is to believe. Imagine the forthcoming day when all chances of luck will abide to you. Fortune and acceptance is penciled in your agenda.  A day when everything is right and nothing is wrong. There will be no warning or intuition just repletion.  I’ll be your day.  This collection Electronic Music by Jeff Mills is uniquely crafted to ease restlessness, soothe impatience and at the same time build high life expectations while opening the passages to a better understanding of what you are searching for.  Now that you’ve read this, please be advised that Every Dog Has Its Day.

Credit: produced, mixed and edited by Jeff Mills for Axis Records. Originally released in 2000.  Sound enhancement by Steve Kovacs. Illustration by Pat Mills.   All rights are reserved.  ©2020 Axis Records