
DJ Surgeles – Triglav


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DJ Surgeles


Digital Download

“Beginning Of A Journey”TriglavDJ Surgeles
Audio Player
The exploration craft Isis001, a spaceship sent by humanity, has crashed into the unknown world of Triglav, with one of the most important discoveries in galactic history.

Below, a handful of humans fight an armed group of outsiders and the entire hostile planet to protect the secret – the fate of the Triglavs, the legendary first species to show wisdom in the stars.

Over time, the group of astronauts begins to understand what is going on on the planet,and begins to understand Triglav’s secret, but will they be able to return to our planet and share the secret about Triglav?

Triglav’s heads were believed to represent Sky, Earth and the Underworld.

It was believed that Triglav has three heads because he ruled these three kingdoms and had a golden binding over his eyes and lips so he could not see people’s sins nor speak about them.


Credits:  All tracks are written and produced by DJ Surgeles.  Mastering by Javier, KTC Mastering.  Artwork by    Zeger Scholtus.

Download Information:
Download limit: 3
Download link expire in 30 days.

Data size (full album):  44.1kHz 16bit wav:  approx 757MB  /  mp3:  approx 114.5MB