
Jonas Kopp – Pleiadian Key Tones (wav)



Jonas Kopp


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“Opening The Channel”Jonas Kopp
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Pleiadian Key Tones:

Would humanity have a more relevant existential challenge than the one presented by the Greek ‘Know thyself’ aphorism? If we could truly connect with ourselves, with our Beings; if only once, in our passage through this dimension, could we resonate in the universal frequency, what would we discover? What would we remember? These issues are of constant interest for the thinkers and theorists all around the world, on a multidisciplinary level. An example of this is the mythical encounters between the famous North American physicist David Bohm and the Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti that were televised in the 1980’s in the United States. On those exciting debates, the true essence of the Being was discussed. According to Krishnamurti, the human conscience differs from the thinking brain, it ́s an observation point behind the cognitive mind, where time-space and duality do not exist.

With the same conviction and the objective of expanding our consciences, Jonas Kopp presents his new artistic proposal Pleiadian Key Tones. It is a spaced out techno album that contains thirteen tracks, using art as an access key to a intergalactic connection, it summons us to resonate in a more harmonic and spheral frequency. In this way, according to the artist, through his contact with the pleiadian beings, he encodes sonorously the information obtained in frequencies and tones.

“This artistic project is based on the memory of what we essentially are, as we are pleiadian beings in the future, according to our lineal perception of time, in the tridimensional reality that we currently live in. We ́ve been in connection with these pleiadian consciences from eons of time, particularly from the Lemurian and Atlantic era. Today, we can interpret these tones and frequencies as a result of a telepathic contact that I have established with these beings of the star system of the Pleiads. Through this kind of art and in a subliminal manner, it’s possible to activate the conscience of the listener, enabling a transforming experience and modifying its state. We are preparing ourselves for the future, so we will be able to comprehend that we are not alone in this large universe, full of different kinds of intelligent lives and multiple creations.”

That is how Pleiadian Key Tones goes, in the first of the seven chapters that the artist will present in the same format. The next album will be represented by tones and frequencies channeled from the Andromeda galaxy.

Curated by Marianella Baladán.

Jonas Kopp: is a dj and sound designer, internationally recognized for his techno and ambient sound works. With a career of fabulous borders, which began in his country of origin and continued in Berlin first and Barcelona later, being signed by some of the most prestigious European labels. His DJ sets and Live sets have taken him to tour the most important dj booths in the world from Tokyo, through Moscow or Berlin. He has participated in previous editions of Berlin Atonal and Mutek Festival, performing an A/V ambient project under the moniker “Telluric Lines”.  Jonas is currently immersed in quantum energy world, investigating the composition of reality in different planes and dimensions and the creation of reality through the energetic particles projected by our thoughts and galactic energy sources, in addition to being an energetic therapist performing healing work in human and planet energy systems, reflecting all this knowledge on his late music art concepts.

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Data size (full album):  44.1kHz 16bit wav:  approx 782.4MB