Zachary Lubin – Abeona / Adiona (wav)
$2.50 – $16.00

From Roman mythology, Abeona and Adiona were goddesses- travel deities watching over long journeys of groups, offering safety. Abeona oversaw the departure, and Adiona oversaw the return journey. A future expedition carrying humans deep into space would be an arduous effort and requires great preparation. Currently scientists around the world are focused on sending astronauts to Mars as it is the next logical proximity, but estimate in total it could be on the order of a two year manned voyage. Mars is the starting point, but we will always keep eyes fixed on traveling to the realms beyond. Before getting there, many questions need answers. This is pushing the need for more data. How does the human body get affected by prolonged space travel? We know the shape of the eye can change, and there is an impact on our bones and cardiovascular system from just six months in orbit. What effect does space-motion sickness have on cognition and response time?Effect on mental health of long periods in tightly confined spaces? What physical training is needed to ensure we have the strength to emerge from the landed capsule on Mars? What is the recovery period once home on earth from these effects? How do the large delays associated with communication signal exchange affect the ability of team coordination between crew, operations at home, and outposts in-between? From a technological standpoint, how do we devise more powerful propulsion systems to reach distances of hundreds of millions of miles in reasonable time? What vehicular capabilities are necessary to survive an extraterrestrial landing, or transportation on a planet’s surface? This release is inspired by the ongoing efforts and future challenges to launch humans deep into space, ultimately passing Mars into the realms beyond. The music is broken up into subthemes, each conceptualizing one of the many facets of this endeavor.
Credits: Produced by Zachary Lubin at Cygnus Studios, Chicago
Mastering by Temudo @ Tema Mastering, Artwork by Melissa Galicia Vega
Zachary Lubin:
Zachary Lubin is from Chicago. In the late 1980s, still in grade school, he stayed up late on weekends obsessively recording FM radio shows which featured house music mixes by local DJs. Shortly hereafter he began DJing himself and has played across the world over the years. His DJing has always been versatile, spanning many different genres in addition to techno including house, disco/classics, and drum and bass. Zachary has produced his own music for the past two decades, his first release on Axis Records’ 6277 project. He has since had releases on numerous quality labels including Modularz, Kimochi, Liebe*Detail, UntilMyHeartStops, Nighttripper, and more. He also currently runs a label called Obvio Records, a resurrection of an early 1980s reggae label his father started. Zachary’s production style is primarily techno, heavily influenced by retrofuturism, industrial technology, architecture, and science-fiction.
Download Information:
Download limit: 3
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Data size (full album): 44.1kHz 24bit wav: approx 945MB / mp3: approx186MB